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Let the Healing Begin

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What is Healing - Pranic Healing?

Pranic Healing is a “no-touch , no-drug” healing system based on the fundamental principle that the body has the ability to heal itself.

Pranic Healing utilizes “life force,” “energy,” or prana/ chi to accelerate the body’s inborn ability to heal itself. It is practiced by hundreds of thousands of people across the world.

It represents a unique holistic approach used to treat a variety of ailments, like fever , migraine, heart conditions to cancer or Brain Tumour. 

It’s also used to treat all the psychological or psychosomatic problems like stress, anxiety, fear and so on…

What are Crystals & How do they work?

Crystals are naturally occurring solids with orderly atomic structures.

They’re believed to harness and amplify energy, emitting vibrations that interact with human energy fields.

People suggest that each crystal carries unique properties, affecting emotions, thoughts, and environments.

By aligning with specific energies, they’re thought to promote healing, balance, and spiritual growth.

Scientifically, their effects are debated, but they remain popular in holistic practices and spiritual traditions.

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Tarot Card Reading.

Tarot card reading is a practice where a reader uses a deck of 78 cards, each with unique images and symbols, to gain insight into a person’s past, present, or future.

The cards are shuffled and laid out in various patterns, called spreads. The reader interprets the cards’ meanings based on their positions and the questions asked.

People seek tarot readings for guidance, self-reflection, or to make sense of a situation, and even for solutions.

It blends intuition, symbolism, and psychology, providing a tool for understanding and decision-making.

Yashika Saxena - Founder of anaghaart...

We are here to spread the three main aspects taught by my teacher,

Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui – Modern Founder of Arhatic Yoga and Pranic Healing.

Divine Light – by spreading some inner teachings.

Divine Love – by supporting mental and emotional health through healings, forgiveness sessions and many other techniques.

  Divine PowerWe have the power to Heal the world. The easiest way to do is by doing Meditation on Twin Hearts...

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